Saturday, January 5, 2013

Oldies But Goodies ... 3 /30

6x6    oil            Oldies but Goodies    click to enlarge

These tubes got a make-over for their portrait today. They are so smudgy with various paint from my fingers that the white areas are a grayish-tan color.  Seemed only right to spiff them up. As I painted them I realized they are like old pals that bring me much happiness when I get to be with them.

I decided to call the paintings for this 30/30 challenge "Everything But the Kitchen Sink" - so I can let whimsy decide what to paint each day.   I love having options - don't you?

Used a board that has a very smooth surface and sort of clay-sh. Forgot I had these.  It just drinks up the paint so 'dries' quite fast.  That can be good but the downside is when you go brush on a new color near or on another color you applied just five minutes before, it's sticky and hard to blend.  I haven't decided if I like it or not.  Different, not bad; but takes some getting used to

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