Friday, July 30, 2010

Richard Schilling - DIY Art

Today I'm just passing along a wonderful link - one sample of the DIY (Do It Yourself) art movement. DIY is about finding ways to create art that is accessible. It is an anti-big-business-corporate-art world groundswell. Examples range from public free temporary work like Schillings (attached) to instances where artists form their own collectives, find venues to share their art (visual, movement, literary). I think you'll enjoy these wonderful art works made in nature, from nature - by pros and novices alike. May it be a spring board for us all to think outside the box, Enjoy. if it doesn't open - cut and pst into your browser.

Just returned from a week with the grandkids. While I had hoped to make a little painting or two my art this trip consisted of sandcastles, pine-cone collections and clothespin dolls :-) New work soon.

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