Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sitting on the Dock.....

When I finish a painting I put it on my drying shelf and wait to see what it might tell me. Yesterday afternoon I glanced up and knew immediately what I needed to do. The original figure was too big- shoulders overpowering the small boy. Also I felt like the very dark water competed with the figure too much.  Made some changes and here's the result.  Hope you like it.

OH! and "Tom Sawyer-ish" is NOT the title....but it makes me think of Tom.  Any catchy title ideas?

1 comment:

Cathy Engberg said...

I didn't see it before, but I really like how it ended up! Such a wonderful figure and gesture. You are so good at that!

I like "Sitting on the Dock" for a title! :o)