Sunday, October 5, 2014

So many artists - so little time....

In my workshops, students have a wide range in what they enjoy and what they want to paint. E.g. in Saturday's class, I met folks who like plein air (outdoor painting) and landscape, digital painting, impressionistic etc.

I encourage you to pick out several artists whose work you admire and sign up for their blog or email newsletters.  I have a hard time narrowing down a favorite style of art... I really love getting art email updates from many I admire.

Here are just of few of  my 'faves'. (I know as soon as I post this, I'll think of more I should have included...)

Qiang-Huang  still life and landscape   (currently in his native home of Bejing; having trouble blogging)

Regina Saura  (click on the second line of text for her paintings etc.) 

Tim Horn plein air/landscape   

Carol Marine     modern, stylized realism

Jacob Collins  realism  (doesn't have an updated blog)  

Ken DeWaard  plein air mostly.  

Kathleen Lipinski  local Marin landscape artists (she and her hubby, Steve Emery)

Julian Merrow-Smith - an English painter who lives in France.  

Also check out Daily Painters  and/or Daily Paintworks

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