Denise...........Cristy.....Annie.............Michele |
Come Rain: Think a little rain was going to stop these budding artists? No Way! They arrived wet, schlepping bags of art supplies, ready to jump in, mess around with brushes, create a ton of fun colors, slog through value scales and then, because they worked fast and hard, did I reward them with free time? Nope.. I got out my timer and hit them with a timed painting challenge. Paint your subject in 5 minute-no more. When the bell rings, you stop
now..and being the next one.
Come Shine: And STILL they smiled. ( Good sports all!
Denice ...........................Margot |
Today's class was at Drake High in Fairfax...offered through Tam District Community Ed. Like the class in January at COM - this class is designed for those who have never ever painted before or if they have ...it's either been a long time ago....or they have been doing their own thing and want to learn some paintings basics. Some will go on to more formal classes; some will continue to experiment on their own. But bottom line, I think we were all there for the pure pleasure of playing with paint! It doesn't get much better than that.
(folks, forgive these blurry photos. used my phone. wasn't steady- too fast I guess)
Phil...............Blanca.............Jeanna |