Monday, August 26, 2013

Alabaster Tulip

Who knew?  When I painted this flower from a bouquet I had, I didn't know it was a tulip. Reminds me of curling ribbon. A friend said she thinks the name is Alabaster but can't find another like it, even on Google don't quote me.
Auction item. Click here to learn more

P.S.  Want to submit your work to an art show?  Piedmont Center for the Arts is hosting their first annual juried art exhibit.  Don't be shy!   Here's the Call for Artists link.  You may have to log-in to get the prospectus.
And you can see more about the center here:

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Monte Carlo Tulip

I had no idea that these were called Monte Carlo until I had to look up the name of the tulip I'd painted.

NOTICE: You know those classes I posted on my last post?  The catalog arrived this weekend and... they're not in it.  I immediately contacted College of Marin. A very apologetic and embarrassed woman uncovered that four of my five classes had dropped through the cracks!  aaaarrrrh.    So - January 2014.  Stay tuned.   The one class at Tam High is still set.

Friday, August 9, 2013

New Workshop Dates....

Fall classes are about to begin - even before Fall.  These one-day workshops will be held at College of Marin this term (one at Tam High).   Get Ready to Paint is designed for totally novice painters to get you on your way--a good prep class for other longer term classes; Artistically Yours is a class for adventure and experimenting - all levels welcome.

If you know someone who might be interested, please share this blog URL with them.
Click HERE for details about the workshops and other art info.
NOTE: Each class is one day only--specific lists are provided on the link attached.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

From the Garden.....NOT!

What's left of a very sweet pluot; my new favorite fruit. And when I was were these slices.
Thanks to those who participated in the raffle --I appreciate your support.

Auction - CLICK to bid:

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Story of the Raffle and the Readers-deadline 8/8

Blogging about art is, admittedly, a guilty pleasure. I get to yack about my painting journey, classes and tips with friends, students and even strangers.  It's especially fun when readers (you!) comment because the next best thing to making art is chatting about it - anytime, anywhere.

So here's the deal: Recommend to two friends (or more) that they might enjoy signing-up for my blog and you'll be entered in the raffle. Be sure to send them the link to my blog   Then, let me know you've sent your two emails out and your name goes in the hat. That's it-- easy schmeazy. Deadline: August 8th by noon.  

Does the story have a happy ending?  You bet.....two actually: one of you wins Fresh from the Garden and I get some new readers.  Now how can you beat that ;-)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Fresh from the Garden....2

Our garden is being quite generous this year. Lemon cucumbers for us and for all the neighbors. Again, done with oversize brushes and juicy paint.  In reality, this painting is a little cooler in color... I've lost my camera and had to use my old phone camera to snap this.

This little painting is up for auction.  Check it out