Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Little Shy

"A Little Shy" oil on board 6x6.

Painted this little guy in a workshop - 2010. The vase is one of my favorites. It was in a basket at a pottery show - as 'less than perfect'. Like the runt of the litter I couldn't resist it. It's tiny - looks sweet with a couple little pansies in it.

Thought I'd the class schedule; last time I had folks say they wished they'd known about it - so let's make sure all do! :-)

FEBRUARY 6, 11:30-3:30. RILEY'S ART STORE. San Rafael.
Tell your friends. I'll be teaching "Get Ready To Paint" This is for total beginners. An orientation to terms, paint, brushes, surface preparation etc. Presentation and hands-on ez activities. For anyone that would love to paint but is hesitant about getting going.

Same class as above. Register at their site.

Tell your pals! "Get Ready..." has been really well received. There are so many people who want to get in touch with their creative side; folks want to paint but are "shy" about jumping in - worry about feeling intimidated or making mistakes. Can't make any mistakes in this class! It's all about learning brushes, color mixing etc.

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